Friday, February 22, 2013

What do Birds, Planes, and Christ Have in Common?

This is a Brown Pelican taken from our porch as we were staying in Point Clear, Alabama. The one below is  a Blue Heron. Don takes so many wonderful pictures of birds--but I took these!
At this moment in our lives, "wings" seem to define us.  (Who else goes to Hawaii and comes home with tons of bird pictures and only a few of scenery that Hawaii is famous for?) Wings of birds, wings of planes, and may I adopt the symbolic wings of angels that the world uses?  [We think our children and grandchildren are angels! :)] Then there is the all important role that Christ plays in our lives with using the symbolic wings again:
   2 Nephi 25:13 Behold, they will acrucify him; and after he is laid in absepulchre for the space of cthree days he shall drise from the dead, with healing in his wings; and all those who shall believe on his name shall be saved in the kingdom of God. Wherefore, my soul delighteth to prophesy concerning him, for I have eseen his day, and my heart doth magnify his holy name.

Though we don't believe Christ literally has wings, we know He has the power to heal.

Isaiah 40: 31 But they that await upon the Lord shall brenew theircstrength; they shall mount up with wings as deagles; they shallerun, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
We have a private family blog, but I felt I wanted to do my own public one based on Elder Ballard's suggestion that we use the Internet for good things: " Make sure that the choices you make in the use of new media are choices that expand your mind, increase your opportunities, and feed your soul... As I said in the beginning, the power of words is incredible. Let your voice be heard in this great cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ."  These two sentences came from a talk he gave at a commencement in BYU-Hawaii in December of 2007.Elder Ballard
Hopefully, I can stay motivated and walk and not faint!


  1. I love this. What a great comparison. This gives me some things to think about. Thank you.


    1. You're very kind. You always say things so well in your testimonies and such.

    2. So I'd love to know your thinking...:)

  2. Our son Josh is also a bird lover and this brings so much sweet joy to my heart. Thanks for sharing Ada, it is a wonderful uplifting thought.
    And I agree, Grandkids are Angels!!

  3. Love your title. Thanks for sharing. Can you find a way to let us "follow" you so we can keep up?

    1. I think there's an underlined subscribe or some such word. Mine just says "unsubscribe" so I have already done it for me...sorry I'm not more help in remembering what it used to say :)

  4. I love your grand kids too. Although there are days I'm not sure about the angel metaphor . . . Most days it's true.

  5. Yea! So glad you're in the blogging world. I love that statement by Elder Ballard.
